
среда, 5 февраля 2014 г.

Sports and games are an important part of our life. They help us to stay healthy and fit, make our muscles stronger. Also sports help us to be healthier mentally, because they say that sportsmen rarely suffer from addictions and never feel depressed. Breaking a record or winning a match gives us a keen sense of achievement. If you go in for sports, you will be a better person, because sports teach us determination, courage, the ability to evaluate risks and improve our survival instinct. If you take part in different competitions, you feel uplifted, when other people root for you. Team games teach us how to be co-operative and friendly.
There are a lot of different kinds of sports. The most popular summer sports are swimming, jogging, track and field, rock climbing, scuba-diving and football. The most enjoyable winter sports are cross-country skiing, mountaineering, skating, sledging and hockey. There are indoor sports, such as weight-lifting or martial arts, and outdoor sports, such as rugby or snowboarding.
You must remember about safety when you are doing sports. You must wear shoulder pads, knee pads and a helmet when you are roller-skating or cycling.
Nowadays extreme sports are becoming more and more popular. Those who do kayaking or bungee-jumping are daring and courageous. They do it to challenge themselves and to enjoy the breathtaking beauty of nature. But very often people say that what they do is sheer lunacy. They say that these daredevils do it to impress others and for macho reasons.
The most important sports competitions in the world are the Olympic Games. The first Olympic Games were held in Ancient Greece. They date back to 776 B.C. They were brought back to life by Pierre de Coubertin in 1896 to honour the athletic talents of people. The Games take place in a new city every year. Almost all countries participate in the games. Belarus is rather successful in the Olympic Games. The most famous sportsmen are Maxim Mirny and Victoria Azarenko (tennis), Olga Korbut (gymnastics) and Alexey Grishin (freestyle).
In my opinion, sports are very important in our lives, because they teach us to be determined and strong. My favourite sport is skating, because the sportsmen are really graceful. I am also fond of roller-skating. I try to do it every week. It brings me joy and I can communicate and have fun with my friends.
I think that it is vital to do sports, because we can enjoy them and become healthier.