
воскресенье, 11 мая 2014 г.

Everybody wants to live a happy and long life. Even in this fast-paced, demanding world there are some rules we can follow to stay healthy and fit.
First of all, we are what we eat. Eating the right food and well-being is not a new idea. We should eat a variety of foods, because every day our bodies need 40 nutrients. No single food provides all them all. Out daily meals should include a variety of grains, which give us energy, meat, fish or poultry make our muscles stronger, vegetables (such as cauliflower, aubergines, tomatoes, cucumbers or cabbage) and fruit (such as pineapples, peaches, pears, kiwi fruits) supply us with vitamins  and dairy products, which are a source of calcium for our teeth and bones. If you are a vegetarian, you can replace meat with nuts, beans, peas and so on. It is also a good idea to drink green tea to feel upbeat and active. Water can help to take the edge off your appetite.
Fast food is not very good for us. It contains a lot of artificial colours, flavourings and additives. It is very filling and satisfies the hunger, but it is not nutritious at all: our stomachs are full, but we practically don’t get any carbohydrates or proteins, only fat. We should also limit our daily dose of soft drinks, because they help us to put on weight.
On the other hand we can’t avoid desserts. Some of them are mood foods: they make us feel energized and happy. But we should eat pastry or chocolate within reasonable limits.
A regular workout gives us the chance to get rid of the unwanted calories. If you can’t fit the gym or swimming pool into your hectic schedule, you must at least walk home and do some morning exercises.
One more piece of advice is to avoid addictions, such as smoking, drugs or modern technologies. They make our lives shorter and less enjoyable.
Getting enough sleep is vital to our well-being. Make sure you get 8-9 hours of sleep every night.
As for me, I don’t do anything special to keep fit. I just do morning exercises regularly and try to eat healthy food. For breakfast I usually have cereal or sandwiches with tea. This food helps me to get ready for my busy day. For lunch I have meat, poultry or fish and some mashed potatoes or pasta. At lunch I try to get a lot of proteins and carbohydrates, which give me energy. For dinner I have a three-course meal with soup, meat and a dessert. A dessert helps me to feel happy.
My main rule to stay healthy is to eat smart food at regular intervals, have a small workout and to sleep a lot. 

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