
вторник, 15 марта 2016 г.


1. Let’s talk about education/school. What can you tell me about your school?
I study in Gymnasium #2. It is a wonderful school with interesting history and a lot of amazing traditions.
The school was founded in 1978. In 2003 it became a gymnasium. Nowadays it is a modern building with all the necessary facilities: a lot of classrooms, fully equipped labs, computer classrooms, resource centers of Russian and English languages, a huge gym, an Assembly Hall, a canteen, a library and the best stadium in Grodno.
Here we get knowledge and learn different skills, find out how to cope with complicated problems and develop the ability to analyze. English is one of the main subjects here. It will be very useful for our future jobs. Students can also choose Chemistry and Biology, Physics and Mathematics or Linguistics as their specialization.
Our school offers us a lot of extracurricular activities. Here we can go in for sports and take part in sports competitions, very often we participate in games with Lithuanian and English guests. Our gymnasium is known for its English Week, where we can express ourselves in different concerts and performances. The school newspaper, “The Gymnasia Times”, gives us a chance to write real articles.
            I like my school because here I can communicate with my friends and get the necessary skills for my future life and career. Here I always have the support of my friends and teachers.
            In conclusion, I’d like to say that I’m really enjoying my school years and appreciate gymnasium #2, because here I can get serious knowledge and will always have a chance to develop my talents.
2. Is your school different from all the other schools? Are there any interesting traditions here?
Our school offers us a great variety of traditions. If you want to know English well, you can perform in Drama Fest, play games, write articles for “The Gymnasia Times” or participate in the contest for the best public speaker. If you are athletic, you can take part in different sports competitions. A project with the European Union has also given us an opportunity to rebuild our stadium.. Our exchange programme is also well-known to people in Grodno. It lets us communicate with peers and teachers from Harwich, England and visit this beautiful country. Our students can see St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben and other historical monuments. They can also practice their English.
But my favourite tradition is the Final Bell. It is a very emotional holiday, because graduates say goodbye to their school, teachers and classmates. They also dance the traditional waltz
3. Today a lot of young people want to study abroad. What about you?
            A. A lot of young people want to study abroad, because they think the education there is better. But there are a lot of disadvantages, too. First of all, you’d have to pay a lot of money and food. Your parents and friends will be far away from you and there will be no one to talk to or to give you support. Sometimes it is very difficult to speak a foreign language all the time. You’d have to study and cook and clean up the room yourself.
            Studying at home is much better for me. There is no language barrier. Your friends and family can help you and give you advice. Also it is easier to study from the psychological point of view. Our education is one of the best in the world, so I am sure I will make a great professional.
            B. A lot of young people want to study abroad, because they think the education there is better.
4. Can you advise anything to a student who wants to prepare to exams well?

5. Ask me what kind of pupil I was.

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