
пятница, 31 января 2014 г.


Modern technologies haven’t been with us all that long, but they have already improved our life greatly. Mobile phones, computers, laptops, tablets, CCTV cameras, ATMs, finger scanning, television, smart ID cards, satellites and other gadgets make our life easier, more interesting and more convenient. Most of these devices are reliable and efficient.
Mobile phones make our communication a lot easier. They help us to communicate with people who live in remote places. Landline phones were inefficient and this service was not always available to everyone.
It is even easier to communicate via computers. They offer a great variety of services: social networks, communication in real time through Skype, instant messaging and so on. E-mails are delivered a lot faster than snail mail messages.
Television helps us to occupy our spare time. We are glued to the goggle box watching talk shows, films and other entertaining programmes.
Surveillance devices are used by the police to discourage such crimes as speeding, muggings, kidnappings, robberies, burglaries, shoplifting and carjacking and to identify criminals.
However it has been said many times that modern technologies have a lot of disadvantages, too.
For example, TV is doing irreparable harm. People watch rubbishy shows and endless commercials, children grow up watching spectacles of sadism and violence. Television also encourages passive entertainment and deprives us of communication.
Computer technologies have made it easy to commit high technology crimes such as hacking and virus spreading. Moreover a lot of immature people become addicted to their devices

To sum it up modern technologies can be both our friends and foes. They are not just passing fads. But they should be used within reasonable limits.

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